Left Hand of Darkness: Why I think Guin is a Taoist

There are two religions described in The Left Hand of Darkness: Handdara and Yomeshta. Handdara is the religion predominantly practiced in Karhide, and Yomeshta is the religion of Orgoreyn. The antique and meditative nature of the Handdara religion reminds me of philosophies found on Earth such as Taoism, whereas the story of a prophet (Meshe) and singular path of searching for light reminds me of monotheistic religions.

In Handdara and Yomeshta there are important messages about lightness and “shadow”, or darkness. Handdara promotes the wholeness that comes from opposites, and teaches acceptance of both the light and dark forces in the world. Yomeshta argues that one should follow only the path of the light and steer clear of darkness.

So how is this relevant? Why is religion brought into the book? I think that the theme of the book is that wholeness is best; that the best things are found in the unity, and not the conflict of opposites: man and woman, sadness and joy, darkness and lightness. I think this is why Ai admits to favoring Handdara at some point in the book – the author does too. In the Introduction she states, “I talk about gods; I am an atheist. But I am an artist too, and therefore a liar. Distrust everything I say. I am telling the truth.” She discusses how science fiction writers deal in both logic and imagination. She says logic carried to any extreme is depressing, and the best fantasy draws on some sort of truth, and often truth of the present day, the present moment (Taoist anyone?). What she is alluding to is that science fiction writers, scientists, and artists deal with the unity of duality, and that’s what makes them so great.